Presented as part of the Tanzfabrik’s Tanz Hoch Zwei Festival – for more info have a look here
BodySchool Workshops sind eine Mischung von selbst erfahrener und angewandter Anatomie, gemeinsamer Analyse, Feldenkrais Method® Awareness Through Movement Klassen, Tanz und Körperarbeit. Mit viel Leichtigkeit und Humor lernen wir, somatische Köperarbeit für uns selbst zu entdecken und uns damit den Alltag zu erleichtern.
BodySchool workshops apply somatic and postmodern dance practices to everyday life situations. They move fluidly between lecture and class formats maintaining a sense of lightness, ease and good humor throughout. The aim is to enter a dialogue with ourselves and the environment in which we become empowered to be our own experts. Classes include scanning through the body in walking and standing, looking at basic skeletal anatomy, and Feldenkrais Method® Awareness Through Movement lessons. In this workshop, I propose an ideal way to sit, one we have all experienced but none of us can attain. With perfection set aside, sitting is revealed as a dance that we can engage with playfully and pleasurably.
22.04-25.04.2014 (Di-Fr) from 18:00 – 21:00
Kosten 140,- € (115,-*)
Malcolm Manning (UK/Helsinki), dancer and somatic movement researcher. Certified teacher of Feldenkrais Method® and Body And Earth™. Studied at SNDO and holds an MA in Dance Pedagogy. Teaches process-oriented technique, composition, and contact improvisation classes. Developed the Dance and Somatics course at ISLO in Finland and BodySchool workshop series and teaches at dance centres and festivals internationally.