EXPANDING INTO SPACE : A Contact Improvisation Workshop Investigating Spatial Support
Support can come from orientation to space as well as from the earth. Spatial support brings lightness and expansiveness to dancing Contact Improvisation. It’s the key to all the flying skills and a sense of freedom and independence in dancing with another.
In this workshop we’ll study the relationship between structural and spatial support, bring what we learn from that into our practice of Contact Improvisation, and explore what this expanded awareness of space can bring to open dancing together.
Time: 13-16.00
Level: all levels
Place: Rådmandsgade skole, Tumlingesalen.
Price: 300kr
Payment to : Nordea, Reg nr. 2122, konto nr. 6268 124 444 (remember to write your full name and what you are paying for)
For more info and for signing up : Dorte Bjerre Jensen, dotbjerre@hotmail.com
More info here