Moving From The Fish Body
Open-level dance and movement training
In the 3.5 billion year tale of human evolution, it is from our fish ancestors that we inherit our spinally organised head-tail structure. In this process-oriented dance and movement workshop we’ll experience how to articulate from the “fish body” – our vital core – and how our legs and arms enable us to navigate it through the world.
The aim is to develop self-awareness as a tool for creating and refining our own dance and movement practices using experiential anatomy, developmental movement, ideokinesis, the Feldenkrais Method, Authentic Movement, Steve Paxton’s Material For The Spine, spatial orientation and tracking attention.
The material supports widening the range of movement vocabulary and qualities; improving ease, efficiency and flow in movement; recovering from and avoiding injury; and situating whatever we do in relationship to the world around us.
The workshop was developed as a core part of my proto-technique training series for contemporary dancers. However because the material is explorative in nature, the workshop is accessible and open to all. It offers the opportunity to develop whatever movement interests and practices we arrive with by looking at the movement and perceptual abilities that lie beneath all that we do.
The invitation is to enter into a perceptual dialogue with ourselves in which we become the experts of our own experience. It is an open-ended inquiry that’s not concerned with finding answers but creating a multiplicity of different solutions or viewpoints. This is a process that embraces mystery and doubt. The ultimate focus is pragmatic. What works for us.
Note to contact improvisers : this workshop aims to clarify some important aspects of Steve Paxton’s “Material for the spine” using experiential anatomy, the Feldenkrais Method, the work of Hubert Godard on spatial orientation and my own material. It’s not a CI workshop but it will open up your CI dancing for sure …
date : 19/20 October
times: 13-19.00 on Saturday and Sunday
place: The Place, 17 Duke’s Rd, Kings Cross, London WC1H 9PY, UK
registration: more info soon