at RAUM für TANZ,
Neubaugasse 31, Stiege 2 im Hof,
1070 Wien
10.00-12.00am Tuesday mornings beginning 28th February
Process-oriented somatic dance classes focused on how we experience ourselves moving. The aim is to develop self-awareness as a tool for creating and refining our own dance practices.
Somatic methods applied to dance emphasise self-development, self-awareness, choice making, communication, creative process, health and well-being.
The invitation is to enter into a perceptual dialogue with ourselves in which we become the experts of our own experience.
Classes include material from experiential anatomy, ideokinesis, and the Feldenkrais Method.
Drop-in for single classes or join for the whole semester.
More about proto-technique here
Semester Schedule
7th, 14th, 28th March
18th April (class on 25th cancelled)
2nd, 16th, 23rd May
6th, 13th, 27th june
4th july
(13 classes in total)